Flutter, the popular cross-platform framework for building mobile, web, and desktop applications, offers a wide range of packages to extend its functionality and simplify development tasks. One such package that stands out is url_launcher
. As the name suggests, this package allows you to launch URLs seamlessly in Flutter applications across different platforms such as web, Android, and iOS. In this blog post, we will explore the features and benefits of using the url_launcher
package and demonstrate how it can enhance your Flutter projects.
Getting Started with url_launcher
Before we dive into the details, let's first understand how to get started with the url_launcher
package. To begin, you need to add the package as a dependency in your Flutter project's pubspec.yaml
sdk: flutter
url_launcher: ^6.0.0
After adding the dependency, make sure to run flutter pub get
to fetch and update the package in your project.
Launching URLs in Flutter
The url_launcher
package provides a simple and intuitive API to open URLs within your Flutter application. Whether you want to redirect users to a specific website, initiate a phone call, or send an email, this package has got you covered.
Opening URLs
To launch a URL, you can use the launch
function provided by the url_launcher
package. Let's take a look at an example:
import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart';
void _launchURL() async {
const url = 'https://www.example.com';
if (await canLaunch(url)) {
await launch(url);
} else {
throw 'Could not launch $url';
In the above code snippet, we define a function called _launchURL
. This function uses the launch
method to open the specified URL. Before launching the URL, we check if it is supported on the current platform using the canLaunch
By encapsulating the launch logic within a function, you can easily reuse it across your application. For instance, you could attach this function to a button's onPressed event to enable users to open a URL with a single tap.
Handling Unsupported URLs
While most URLs can be launched seamlessly, there might be cases where a URL is not supported on a particular platform. To handle such scenarios gracefully, the url_launcher
package provides the canLaunch
void _launchURL() async {
const url = 'https://www.example.com';
if (await canLaunch(url)) {
await launch(url);
} else {
// URL is not supported
// Handle the unsupported URL gracefully
In the code snippet above, if the canLaunch
function returns false
, it indicates that the URL cannot be launched. You can then implement custom fallback logic or display an error message to the user.
Advanced Usage
The url_launcher
package also provides additional functionalities to enhance
the URL launching experience in your Flutter application. Let's explore a few of these features:
Launching URLs with Headers
Some scenarios may require you to include custom headers when launching a URL. For example, you might need to send an authorization token or other custom headers to the server. The url_launcher
package allows you to achieve this by using the launch
function with the headers
void _launchURLWithHeaders() async {
const url = 'https://www.example.com';
const headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN'};
if (await canLaunch(url)) {
await launch(url, headers: headers);
} else {
throw 'Could not launch $url';
In the above code snippet, we pass a Map
of headers to the launch
function using the headers
parameter. This enables you to attach custom headers when opening the URL.
Checking Platform Availability
If you need to determine the platform availability of URL launching, the url_launcher
package provides the getPlatform
function. This function returns the current platform on which the Flutter app is running.
import 'package:url_launcher_platform_interface/url_launcher_platform_interface.dart';
void _checkPlatform() {
final platform = getPlatform();
print('Running on: $platform');
By calling the getPlatform
function, you can obtain the current platform and utilize this information to customize the behavior or appearance of your app accordingly.
The url_launcher
package is a powerful tool for launching URLs in Flutter applications. With its simple API and robust functionality, it provides a seamless way to redirect users to websites, initiate phone calls, send emails, and more. By incorporating this package into your projects, you can enhance the user experience and streamline various app interactions.
So, what are you waiting for? Start leveraging the url_launcher
package today and take your Flutter apps to new heights!