Solving Invalid Radix-10 Number in Flutter Error

Solving Invalid Radix-10 Number in Flutter Error

Are you struggling with the "Invalid Radix-10 Number" error in your Flutter application? Don't worry; you're not alone! This error can be frustrating, especially when it appears out of the blue. In this blog post, we'll explore the causes of this error and provide you with practical solutions to resolve it. So, let's dive right in!

Understanding the Error

Before we jump into the solutions, it's essential to understand what the "Invalid Radix-10 Number" error means. This error typically occurs when you try to parse a string into a numeric value, such as an integer or a double, but the string is not a valid number representation.

Flutter, being a framework for developing cross-platform applications, relies heavily on parsing and manipulating numeric values. Therefore, encountering an error like this is not uncommon, especially when dealing with user input or data serialization.

Possible Causes

There can be several reasons why you might encounter the "Invalid Radix-10 Number" error in Flutter. Let's explore some of the most common causes:

1. Incorrect String Format

One of the main causes of this error is providing a string that does not adhere to the expected number format. For example, passing a string with non-numeric characters or a decimal separator that conflicts with the device's locale settings can trigger this error.

2. Null or Empty String

Another common mistake is attempting to parse a null or empty string. Since null or empty strings do not represent valid numbers, the parsing operation will fail, resulting in the "Invalid Radix-10 Number" error.

3. Localization Issues

Flutter supports localization, allowing you to display numeric values based on the user's locale. However, if you're not handling localization correctly or encountering conflicts with the device's locale settings, it can lead to the "Invalid Radix-10 Number" error.


Now that we have identified some common causes let's explore the solutions to overcome the "Invalid Radix-10 Number" error.

1. Validate the Input

Before attempting to parse a string into a numeric value, it's crucial to validate the input. You can use regular expressions or built-in validation functions to check if the string conforms to the expected number format. By ensuring valid input, you can prevent the error from occurring in the first place.

    if (input.isNotEmpty && double.tryParse(input) != null) {
      // Parsing logic here
    } else {
      // Handle invalid input

2. Use Locale-Aware Parsing

To avoid conflicts with localization and ensure consistent parsing across different locales, it's recommended to use the locale-aware parsing functions provided by Flutter. For example, you can utilize the `NumberFormat` class to parse and format numbers based on the user's locale.

    final numberFormat = NumberFormat.decimalPattern('en_US');
    final parsedNumber = numberFormat.parse(input);

3. Handle Localization Properly

If you're working with localized applications, it's essential to handle localization properly. Make sure you're setting the correct locale for parsing and formatting numeric values. Flutter provides the `Intl` package, which offers various utilities to handle localization effectively.

    Intl.defaultLocale = 'en_US';
    final numberFormat = NumberFormat.decimalPattern();
    final parsedNumber = numberFormat.parse(input);


The "Invalid Radix-10 Number" error in Flutter can be overcome by following some best practices. By validating input, using locale-aware parsing, and handling localization properly, you can ensure smooth and error-free number operations in your Flutter applications.

Remember, understanding the causes and implementing the appropriate solutions is vital for effective error handling and a seamless user experience.

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