A Beginner's Guide to Mobile Application Development : How to start

Mobile application development is one of the most important and relevant fields in contemporary society that is based on information technology. Currently, millions of applications are accessible for usage through outlets such as Google Play Store as well as the Apple App Store and thus the market is still open for resolution of new and unique apps. Is it a social network that will change the world or an application for a new game or useful widget – beginning your way in mobile industry development is always thrilling and challenging at the same time. Due to the complexity of the topic, this guide is going to focus on a simple strategy that will act as a starting point when it comes to developing a mobile application.

Understanding the Basics

The following is the discussion of the first research question: What is Mobile Application Development?

Mobile application development means the creating of software application used in the mobility platform. These applications can be built-in and loaded on the phone during manufacturing, those that can be downloading from the application stores and those that can be accessed through the mobile browsers. The development process involves creating the interface of the application, the actual coding, and the subsequent running of the application for efficiency and default problems.

Platforms and Operating Systems

The leading operating systems for mobiles are Android and iOS. Each platform has its development environment, tools, and languages:Each platform has its development environment, tools, and languages:

  • Android: Created by Google, the Android applications are usually coded with Java or Kotlin. The official development environment of Android is Android Studio.
  • iOS: Originally developed by Apple only, ios apps are usually created using Swift or Objective C languages. This is the official development environment: Xcode.

Native vs. Cross-Platform Development

When starting, you must decide whether to develop natively or use a cross-platform framework:When starting, you must decide whether to develop natively or use a cross-platform framework:

  • Native Development: Specifically, this approach entails developing applications for a particular environment relying on the proprietary skills of that environment. This has an advantage of giving better performance and an opportunity to reach other features that may be specific to the particular platform being used.
  • Cross-Platform Development: Uses architectures such as React Native, Flutter, or Xamarin for creating applications that operate from a solitary codebase. This way of development can be efficient in terms of time and does not require a lot of money, but there can be restrictions in usage and available functions.

Getting started with the android development

To prepare the development environment, certain steps need to be followed to ensure that the development environment is set up correctly.

  1. Install Android Studio: Download the app from the official website and open the installer of the Android Studio. It is an IDE for building applications for the Android operating systems which comprises of all the features needed by an android developer.
  2. Configure the SDK: When installing, Android Studio interfaces with the SDK Manager; and if you are missing some components, it will download them for you.
  3. Create a New Project: Then you first need to download the Android Studio and launch it and then create a new project. Specify general settings including the project template, project name and location and choose between Java or Kotlin as the programming language.

Understanding the Project Structure

An Android project consists of several key components:An Android project consists of several key components:

  • Manifest File: Includes a name and possibly an icon for your application, and will specify any permissions your application will request.
  • Java/Kotlin Files: Holds all the code for how your application will work.
  • XML Layout Files: Determine the User Interface of your app.
  • Resources: They consist of graphic, string and all other assets deployed in your application.

Building Your First App

  1. Design the UI: You will employ the layout editor found within the Android Studio to do your apps’ UI designing. The elements are the button, the text field and the image which can be dragged and dropped directly on the design canvas.
  2. Write the Code: Create the actual working of your app in the form of Java or Kotlin programming language. For example, event could be set to activate when buttons are clicked, and events are procedures that are launched when certain conditions are met.
  3. Run the App: You can install application use the emulator which is provided by the Android Studio or else you should connect an Android based device. To build and deploy your app just hit the ‘RUN’ button.

Learning Resources

  • Official Documentation: Android Developers has reference materials, tutorials, and sample projects to help the developers.
  • Online Courses: Courses on Android development can be found on the online learning platforms such as Udacity, Coursera and Udemy.
  • Community Forums: Make use of social Q&A communities that are common for developers such as Stack Overflow as well as Reddit.

To learn how to build apps for your iDevices, you need to start by learning iOS development.

This setting up of the development environment is analogous to the steps of a recipe.

  • Install Xcode: Xcode is available for download from Mac App Store, get the application and install it. Remember that Xcode is an official integrated development environment for iOS.
  • Configure the SDK: Xcode has the iOS SDK which consists of the tools and frameworks required in the development of the iOS applications.
  • Create a New Project: It is important to first open Xcode, and then to go on the new project. This will take you to choose the template for the project, set the project name & location, and & the language to be used (Swift / Objective-C).

Understanding the Project Structure

An iOS project consists of several key components:An iOS project consists of several key components:

  • Info. plist: A README file which consists of basic details about your app like its name, icon, and the permissions that your app will need.
  • Swift/Objective-C Files: Unlike HTML it does contain the actual code for your application to run.
  • Storyboard/XIB Files: Select and arrange the graphical interface of your app with the help of a graphical editor.
  • Resources: Includes the images, strings and any other asset that is used in creating the App.

Building Your First App

  1. Design the UI: Interface Builder in Xcode is utilized for the creation of the shapes of the applications. Some of the features include, it is re-entrant, you can edit and save multiple UIs, copy and paste UI elements and drag and drop item such as buttons ,labels ,image and many more.
  2. Write the Code: Use Swift or Objective-C in order to create the working of your application. For instance, you can attach event listeners to buttons that execute a task when they are clicked.
  3. Run the App: You may use the simulator which is there in X code or still, you may also connect an actual iOS device to the test the application. It is recommended that the “Run” button is pressed in order to create the application, build it and make it live.

Learning Resources

  • Official Documentation: Website check-list – apple developer and has many guides, tutorials and sample projects available to them.
  • Online Courses: These are some among the list of online learning centers where the iOS development course is available: a) udacity b) Coursera c) Udemy.
  • Community Forums: Use Q&A platforms such as Stack Overflow as well as the discussion platforms such as Reddit in order to ask and answer questions amongst yourselves.

Cross-Platform Development

Choosing a Framework

A few frameworks enable developers to create an application that may run on different platforms based on a sourced code. Some popular options include:

  • React Native: Created by Facebook, using JavaScript and React, React Native enables building mobile applications. It offers numerous components and API so that the application can directly access the native elements.
  • Flutter: Flutter framework that is created by Google allows you to use the Dart language to create mobile applications. It offers a short time to code and interesting lists of widgets that can be modified.
  • Xamarin: Created by Microsoft, Xamarin is a framework that enables one to develop mobile applications through C#. It has API to access the native code and lots of libraries available there.

Setting Up Your Development Environment

Depending on the framework that has been selected, the setup process will differ in one way or the other. Here’s a brief overview:

React Native:

  1. Install Node. Such as js and npm (Node Package Manager).
  2. To install React Native CLI using npm.
  3. Download and install android studio for development on Android and Xcode for development on iOS.

  1. Installation process of Flutter SDK includes, Download Flutter SDK.
  2. Install Android Studio for developing applications for the Android operating system and Xcode for developing the applications for the iOS operation systems.

  1. This is a development tool for mobile application, hence, download and intialize Visual Studio with Xamarin workload.
  2. Configure Android SDK for development testing on Android and Xcode for testing on iOS devices.

Welcome to the course Building your first cross –platform app.

  1. Create a New Project: The said poject is developed based on the steps in the framework for creating a new project.
  2. Design the UI: The framework’s UI components need to be used to create the user interface of your application.
  3. Write the Code: Use components of the framework to create the flow and the capabilities of your application in the framework’s language.
  4. Run the App: iOS and android app development tools as well as elements to develop and deploy the given app in both systems.

Learning Resources

  • Official Documentation: Docker has its official documentation and there are guides, tutorials and sample projects described there, the same goes for Flask.
  • Online Courses: Companies like Udacity, coursera, Udemy have their courses on cross- platform development using different frameworks.
  • Community Forums: People can go to community sites such as stack overflow and Reddit to post questions and or information sharing purposes.

Typically, the following practices are observed when developing a mobile application.

Planning and Design

  • Define Your Goals: It should be possible to coming out with clear and easily understandable statement of what the app is, and what it is meant to achieve. First and foremost, it is necessary to determine the users and their requirements.
  • Create Wireframes: Create wireframes for how the user interface of the app will look and how Navigation flow will look using sketch, Figma, or Adobe XD.
  • Develop a Prototype: Create a clickable prototype to determine the usability and get the feedback before moving to development.


  • Write Clean Code: Adhere to coding standard and guidelines so that readable and easily manageable source code is produced. It is important to name variables descriptively, employ comments for code and stick to the DRY principle.
  • Version Control: On it, developers should resort to using version control systems including Git to track changes and engage other developers. Services such as GitHub and GitLab offer repository for your code to be stored in.
  • Testing: Perform test cases that demonstrate errors or bugs in the app so that you can eliminate them. Utilize testing bots and also conduct the manual testing on different interfaces of mobiles, tablets and several screen resolutions.

Deployment and Maintenance

  • App Store Guidelines: To publish your app follow the read made by Google Play and the Apple App Store. This way makes sure that your app complies with all the set requirements that can make your app to be rejected.
  • Monitor Performance: Implement the analytics to track the app usage to determine the overall statistics and collect users’ opinions. Online tools and options such as, Firebase, Google Analytics and Flurry are very useful in this regard.
  • Regular Updates: Make it a point to release upgrades and enhancements often for your application. Negotiate with the users and sort out any complaints that are likely to emerge.


 It is not a small task when one begins developing mobile applications right from the base but with hard work towards researching and developing the applications, wonderful working mobile applications can be developed that may transform the entire process. Choosing between native Android or native iOS, or going with a cross-platform framework, is not as important as remembering to always be curious, to always learn and never stop. Happy coding!
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